Our quality policy;
Aiming at customer satisfaction; To ensure and increase the satisfaction of our customers with our product quality, technical support and after-sales services.
To increase our productivity by working in mutual cooperation and trust with our customers with whom we have business relations
To continuously improve all processes that affect the success of our company and the quality of our products and services.
To increase the individual contributions and skills of our employees through continuous training
Always trying to be a leading company in the sectors it works with with its quality, service understanding and solutions it develops.
It is the quality policy of our organization to continuously improve our Quality Management System and not to compromise on our product and service quality.
Our Information Security Policy;
In order to ensure the continuous development of our information security management system within ODAKENT;
- Providing the necessary participation and support to ensure compliance with the Information Security Management System standard conditions and requirements,
- Ensuring work in compliance with the requirements determined by the laws of the Republic of Turkey, regulations, circulars, customer agreements and legal legislation required by the job,
- Ensuring the confidentiality of personal, corporate or Third Party information (produced and/or used) in all cases,
- Ensuring that information is accessible only to authorized persons, in accordance with the “need to know” principle,
- To prevent unauthorized use, modification, disclosure and damage of all information assets, knowingly or unknowingly,
- Providing the necessary support and contribution to the studies to be carried out to evaluate the risks on information assets and reduce the identified risks to acceptable levels,
- Providing the necessary support to the plans to be made regarding the regular provision of awareness programs that will increase the personnel's awareness of the management system and encourage them to contribute to the functioning of the system, to employees and supplier employees when relevant,
- Providing the necessary support for the work to be carried out to detect, report, close all real or suspected violations of information security incidents and prevent their recurrence,
- Providing the necessary support and contribution to ensure business continuity and to ensure continuous access to information at planned levels,
- Creating, documenting and continuously improving our management system to meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard,
- Documentation, certification and continuous improvement to meet the requirements of the standards in our management system,
- Reviewing business processes through a self-evaluation process and determining preventive approaches that will improve performance,
- Reviewing the integrated policy periodically to maintain compliance with the conditions,
- To contribute to society by providing reliable services to customers,
- Increasing the effectiveness of our quality management systems, in addition to complying with laws and regulations and meeting customer requirements,
- By integrating the ISO 27001 Management System into our company's business processes, we will try to take information security requirements into consideration at every stage.